My journey of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) , sharing experiences with parenting, family, experiences, and some Blogger learning.

New year Gifts to my family

Friday, May 23, 2014

Yes or No

Its going to be almost 1.4 years that I decided to leave my job and stay at home with pari. Back then, she was just 4 months old baby. Now she is 1 year 7 months and 25 days ...Kids grow fast , or time flew so fast like a blink of the eye. 

These days a big question comes every now and then in my mind, if I should start thinking to go back to work. This going back is going to be little difficult and time taking as the job hunt will be from scratch along with a title of 'sabbatical of 1.5 year' . Its not like i am financially in need of job, its just like sometimes i feel empty and question myself for my career and identity. Being a mom is no where less than the greatest asset of my life and I really really rejoice it in every moment of my life, but when I think about me, somewhere I feel myself lost, may be an identity crisis. 

Everyone in my immediate family feels that I am spoiling my career now. Its high time I should think about it. Pari is grown up enough, and has her grandparents who are so attached that I dont need to think even for a second before handing her to them.While S is of the opinion that what is the need to work, Pari needs mumma more. So its kind of chaos in my head to decide or think on how to proceed. Somewhere I feel its my job to start teaching her, it should not be like she may lag behind other kids. It should not be that I repent on later my decision to join work again. Not to forget that still I make her eat her meals and milk.

The major facts which needs my attention are:
Am I ready to leave Pari for the whole day away from me and my eyes.
Is this right time to go back to work, or should I wait till she is 2
Should I focus more on educating her, rather than focusing on my career

I am so out of words to write anymore. Hopefully will update this one soon.Till then reader's valuable comments are most awaited by a confused mom !!

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