My journey of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) , sharing experiences with parenting, family, experiences, and some Blogger learning.

New year Gifts to my family

Monday, June 6, 2016

Early Morning Blues

This is so me, super charged like my fully charged mobile phone, gradually discharging by late night hours and totally wake-up like a zombie if it's going to be an early morning. Mornings are really not my cup of tea. Don't even remember how many times and from how many years I have been promising myself to wakeup early in mornings but what a horrible failure I am. When I had to rush to office it was a marathon, right from getting up, ready and take the bus. Seems God too pitied on my shortcoming and awarded me with a US shift project having work hours from 11am to 8 pm. Yippee, there use to be so much time for morning that I slept like a kumbhkaran till 9 or more than that. When switched job, had to reach office at 9am, and it was no less than a nightmare to get up after having spent almost 4 years as a late riser. My this nightmare didn't last long and under some circumstances I left the job and my favorite city.... Phew
And then the mornings had to be early, I stumbled upon in catching mornings... Sometimes grabbed sometimes missed. And finally I decided to let it go and get up as per my body clock. Till few years back it was working fine, but now again have gotten into morning rush hours with a permanent alarm clock in the form of my early riser kid with no snooze button available . My morning now includes preparing tea for myself, preparing breakfast and tifin for kid, getting her bathed,dressed, fed and seated in the school bus. Oh my lovely golden sleepy days where have you gone. Motherhood is not easy nor a cakewalk, finally it made me to sacrifice my favorite early morning sleep hours. Even though I keep on stealing my beauty sleep whenever possible
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. I heart you. Although i am not a night owl, i was always an early bird. But these days made me to be a night creature. Yeah yeah motherhood..tough aye!!! You can have a peaceful mind and work only after your little beauty asleep. I feel you dear.

  2. That's ryt, peace starts when the Lil one retires for the day, and the clock says it's already 10.30 pm......if need a breezer then be a night owl 😈
