My journey of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) , sharing experiences with parenting, family, experiences, and some Blogger learning.

New year Gifts to my family

Saturday, June 14, 2014

What the heck !!

'You must not be having good drawing, is it?' someone asked me , 'as your chapatis are not accurate and controlled'.....Hmmm, does this analogy makes any relevant sense. At-least I couldn't find any as I am not such a terrible chapati maker, but yeah the continuous pointing impacts my performance , also neither I am bad at drawings as i use to get always A+ or A++ grade in it. Or is it like i didn't chose painting or drawing as my hobby, or use to make rough sketches or faces while sitting idle ( this person use to draw something at times mostly a side face , which frankly speaking never seemed as a face to me :P ). Whatever !!! Isn't it enough that I am able to do the house hold chores along with routine cooking, knowing the fact that I never learnt anything during my schooling. It was same carefree life like boys attending classes, schools, colleges, offices equally. When girls spent the same time and activities like boys, then why it is expected from us to be master of kitchen. This is the irony.Girls should be all-rounder, perfect home maker, perfection in offices, perfect mother, perfect wife, and not to be forgotten perfect daughter-in-law. You make a mistake and the pin pointing will begin at every level. Although the disappointments caused to someone may not be communicated but the face expressions and activities make them sound and clear.

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