My journey of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) , sharing experiences with parenting, family, experiences, and some Blogger learning.

New year Gifts to my family

Friday, February 5, 2016

Homework woes

Earlier I was worried about kid's health, her growth rate, activities, and blah blah Short I was worried about anything related to kid. To add up one more feather to my cap of worries, now I have to worry about her homework too, not to mention its incrementing graph. I swear, to make kid do the school work is such a messy lot where one can easily lost his/her sanity.
Every time I pick kid's workbook, the nature's call make its way on damn time. Then start a long story of pee/poo , drinking water, feeling sleepy, yawning, tired and god knows how many new are on their way.
When chatted lovingly, just one alphabet done, a bit scolded few more done, then hand gets tired.
After soothing the tired hand, again few scribbles make their way on the workbook. Now what next, guess what ....."mumma mujhe ninni aa  rahi Hai, dekho yawn aa gayi " what, finally I have to take the charge in my hands, get a bit strict and make her do the task. But again few scribbles, now what to the end my last weapon........." Either do your homework or I am going to nani  house " , now this tantrum of mine help me get the homework done. Phew !! Kids kids kids !!
Hopefully my weapon will last for sometime at least.


  1. Hi Reshu!
    Wanted to get in touch with you. It'll be great if you could share your e-mail id or drop me a mail at Thanks!

  2. Hi Aishwarya, would surely like to connect . you can mail me at
