My journey of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) , sharing experiences with parenting, family, experiences, and some Blogger learning.

New year Gifts to my family

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Weaning the kid- a really tough task

How difficult it is to wean the kid off the bf. I desperately want to wean her off before our vacation to Goa, for obvious reasons : 
1. She is now 2 years old, and already had a extra enough time of bf.
2. She now needs to eat solid food as much to get the required nutrients for development of her body and mind. If she still keeps on bf then, she eats less of solids , which may hamper her much required nutrients.
3. Its very uncomfortable and embarrassing to feed her in public places. As she is inhabit of bf, so she asks it anywhere she feels.
4. And the last but most important, finally I need a freedom form this dependency of my kid.

So, after giving thoughts on how to wean my kid, I started to act on it. For few times I was successful to deviate her and make her eat other solid stuff, but at some other times, I had to surrender.
As she does not sleep without having her share, doesn't matter if she is hungry or not, it became really difficult for me to handle her sleeping schedule. So had to give up. Right now working on weaning her in the day time. Lets see when I will succeed , hopefully before her 2nd birthday she would wean completely. Good luck to me !!

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