My journey of being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) , sharing experiences with parenting, family, experiences, and some Blogger learning.

New year Gifts to my family

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hawa Hawai

While I rarely get to watch tv, credit goes to my little one keeping me always on the toes, recently i had this encounter with it. There was this serial going on in which the female protagonist is some sort of IPS and her husband is a 'Halwai' . She asks him to say something  in her praises but the husband is shy enough to say anything. 

Not getting proper words and under the continuous pestering of the lady, he utters some words in her praise (of course she expected them to be in terms of her beauty) in his halwai language, comparing with jalebi, rasgulla etc etc which annoys the lady :D

So taking inspiration from this one, i went on my hawa hawai mission ( i named it so as i know my this stint will soon be blown into hawa becoming hawa hawai :P )of pestering S to say something in my usual to my expectation and understanding of S, the same thing happened. He had no words to express which gave me the feeling that 'ewww don't i have anything special which deserves a praise other than my attitude, sincerity, being understanding and blah blah.... :( :( '

Is it really so difficult for husbands to praise their wife of her beauty? I believe these husbands at one point must have seen something beautiful in their wives due to which they got into the marriage institution and that also an arranged one where not much is known about attitude, the most visible one is the physical beauty only. Then now why after few years of marriage they become so shy to express it, or either they don't find their wives beautiful as a women , other than as a wife, mother, and daughter-in-law.
We women loves to be pampered, but i guess the husbands( exceptions always exist ;) ) are so dumb to understand it . 


  1. "Diya Aur Baati" ... Isn't it? ;-) I got the opportunity to watch this serial (thanks to my wife Maya :D ) ....
    It's not that husbands are dumb to express their feelings or to praise their wives but it is that the women are so complicated (in positive way) that we men find it very difficult to gather words to express it ;-). If you had ONLY ONE quality, we could have easily figure it out but this is not the case. Right?

    Anyway.... very well written .. keep it up !!

  2. Hey Ram...such a diplomatic answer ...yeah ;)
    Thnks for dropping by n commenting

  3. Men will be Men....... Cheers Mr. S
